Monday, September 9, 2013

Wrist Appointment

Well, it didn't go as well as I had hoped... my wrist still isn't fused. The carpals are all meshing together nicely, but the actual wrist (where my hand attaches to my forearm) still has a bit of a gap. I'm having it rechecked in 2 months. If it STILL isn't fused by that time, then we'll probably have to inject the wrist space with more "bone graft material" and see how it goes. I mentioned that I was having a great deal of discomfort lately, and she suggested I continue to do my own hand therapy, but keep lifting things with my left hand to a minimum. Lifting things might be causing little microscopic tears where those last 2 bones won't fuse, prolonging my healing. So I have to cut it's use waaaaaaay back.
Sucks, but it is what it is.
I'm trying not to feel disappointed and defeated, but it's hard. We are 2 months post-op and I STILL can't use my hand. It's just a little discouraging.